Student Loan

Looking for money for college? Our student loans have got you covered.

You are eligible if you’re 21 or over and live in the UK permanently, you have a regular yearly income of £6,000+, you are able to make your repayments by Direct Debit, and you haven’t been declared bankrupt, had a CCJ or an IVA within the last 6 years. All credit is subject to status and credit checks

Plan for College: You don’t have to pay off your loan to borrow more. You can keep your original loan and take out a second one, in this case you will have two separate loan repayments to make.

No fees to apply: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. rna.

In-school deferment: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. rnare, diam in.

Special rewardst: If you want to borrow more you can top up your loan. In this case your new loan will pay off your existing loan and you will continue to make one monthly repayment. You can only arrange this in branch or over the phone.


Pensions are long term investments. You may get back less than you originally paid in because your capital is not guaranteed and charges may apply.

Interest Rate

What is an interest rate? Interest is the cost of borrowing money typically expressed as an annual percentage of the loan. For savers it is effectively the rate your bank or building society will pay you for borrowing your money. The money you earn on your savings is called interest.

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