Our Loan Packages

You are eligible if you’re 21 or over and live in the UK permanently, you have a regular yearly income of £6,000+, you are able to make your repayments by Direct Debit, and you haven’t been declared bankrupt, had a CCJ or an IVA within the last 6 years. All credit is subject to status and credit checks

Home Improvement Loan

A personal loan could bring your home improvement plans to life. From an extra bathroom, to a new kitchen, to a loft conversion, you could borrow the money you need to make the change you want.

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Auto Loan

Whether you're buying your first car or upgrading to a newer model, a loan gives you the freedom to buy your car exactly where you want, with no limit to the miles you can do. Loans aren’t secured against your car.

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Student Loan

You don’t have to pay off your loan to borrow more. You can keep your original loan and take out a second one, in this case you will have two separate loan repayments to make.

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Business Loan

If you want to borrow more you can top up your loan. In this case your new loan will pay off your existing loan and you will continue to make one monthly repayment. You can only arrange this in branch or over the phone.

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231m USD Loans Worth 129+ Individual Loans 97.3% Successful Loans

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